HYSUB Work Class ROVs
International Submarine Engineering (ISE) Ltd.’s HYSUB ROV systems are designed for modularity, flexibility, and expandability which entails ease of configuration to meet special customer requirements, and modification and upgradeability for future needs. Over the past 4 decades ISE has assembled a team of highly competent, experienced subsea engineers and technicians who are well suited to work with customers from the scientific, industry and military community..
CONTACT US TODAYDelivering on our promise of a superior ROV requires both capability and experience in the field of underwater engineering. Both of which are in abundance at ISE. Due to the experience of our team, many of whom have been with us 10 to 20 years, we are able to meet and exceed customer requirements over alternative systems. The following considerations are paramount in our advanced ROV designs:
- ISEs’ systems are modular and rugged, using proven components for high reliability to depths of 6000m or less.
- The modularity and electro-hydraulic power and spare control channels on the HYSUB systems make it an ideal platform for expansion.
- Assemblies are designed for easy access to components for maintenance.
- Components are selected for international availability of replacement parts (when needed).
- Minimum spares and simple maintenance procedures are required for routine operations.
- ISE’s proprietary control system is used across all of our vehicles, demonstrating field-proven user-friendly operations and ruggedness. Control system provides access to all operational functions through touch screen displays including system alarms monitoring and comprehensive diagnostics.
- ISE’s manufacturing facility is equipped to pressure test cables and assemblies and tank test vehicles in a 45 ft. pool.
- ISE’s location, near Vancouver, BC, is conveniently located close to a fjord with year-round access to 200m deep sheltered waters over 20km long, and our “MV Researcher” with 20,000lb crane, is an exceptional vessel for sea trials and training.
- ISE offers a comprehensive classroom and hands-on training program.
- ISE is committed to the support of our customers from delivery and throughout the system life cycle.